W and C feedback
Had my Wharton and Chicago feedback sessions. Chicago loved my essays, Wharton found them average. One thing both pointed out was my extra-curriculars. Need to make more efforts to come out as a well-rounded person in the application. I have been working on this front since the beginning of this year, so I will have improvements to show coming fall. Chicago also pointed out that I had listed too many interests and activities (so what? I am a man of many interests :) in my resume. Better to have a few that are also tied to your MBA goals. Geez, how deep these adcoms dig into the applications! Looks like I did well on major frontiers (GMAT, academics, work-ex, essays, recos), but lost out in other parts of the applications. I will work on these parts and try to better my application. No more ding ordeal please!
Keep the faith warrior !! You will make it next year !!!
Posted by
Foxy Lady |
June 21, 2006 at 1:08:00 AM EDT
Thanks arwen. I am considering Ross as well.
Posted by
JatWarrior |
June 25, 2006 at 7:53:00 PM EDT